Monday, March 22, 2010

Stair Design

1 comment:

  1. Peter,

    I think these stair examples that are integrated into the Goodwin studio structure are more relevant for that space and artist than the dna stair. Stick with this and develop the series of platforms within that structure that we discussed today.

    The lower studio space, for Piccinini, do the spaces need to be oriented in the same plane, as they are in the sketch section? If you want to stick with the dna stair, then perhaps the spaces are oriented in different directions, and all are pivoting off the central stair cylinder in which the dna spiral sits....

    Although I'm not convinced that the dna spiral is a compelling solution. Think about what dna does, how it behaves, to achieve its purpose. It's a basic code that provides various different instructions for each type of cell and how it should develop to become part of a complex but coherent whole.

    So is there a basic element to the idea of studio space and gallery space that will vary according to function? Light? Ceiling height? Wall surface: horizontal/vertical/sloped/curved? Can you pick up on developing these through the gallery space and studio spaces to reflect the way dna coding works in the body? Rather than modelling the dna structure in a stair, can you manipulate these basic elements in these spaces in the same way that dna manipulates each different type of cell?
